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Mono drama after Elena ISAEVA's play

This one-woman verbatim performance based on the mono play written by the leading Russian documentary drama author Elena ISAEVA (DOC.tor, The Yard) has been critically acclaimed after its triumphant premiere at the VI Theatre Festival in Kaluga (September 2016). It was granted with the Diploma of the Festival (the best Female Actress - Alexia Mankovskaya) and received invitations to multiple international festivals in 2017.  The London premiere of  'Prison Psychologist' took place in November 2016. The production was participating in Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2017 and in the SOLO International Festival in Moscow (October 2017), where Alexia Mankovskaya was granted with Diploma of the festival. 


Alexia Mankovskaya graduated from the Russian Academy of Drama Arts (GITIS) as Actress and holds a Masters degree from Trinity Laban Conservatoire in London. Worked as an actress at The Stas Namin Theatre and Et-Cetera Theatre in Moscow. Collaborated with The Moscow Arts Theatre, Oleg Tabakov Theatre, Lenkom and Kommissarjevsky Theatre as a composer. Alexia was nominated for The Golden Eagle Award and won the The New Cinema Festival’s award. Co-directed tango-opera “Maria de Buenos Aires” (Riverside Studios), contemporary opera “The Yellow dress” (Tete-a-Tete Festival) and “The Little tragedies” by Pushkin (The Space).


Konstantin Kamenski graduated from the Russian Academy of Drama Arts (GITIS) as a Drama and Opera Director and is a pupil of the renowned theatre practitioner Roman Viktyuk. He ran his own independent fringe theatre in Moscow from 1999. His production credits include several award-winning theatre productions, including ‘Misima/Lohengrin’ and ‘Brodsky Station’ . Konstantin has graduated as MA Advanced Theatre Practice from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and is now working as a Lecturer/ Tutor in Russian Theatre at Goldsmith University of London. Konstantin has over ten years’ experience in broadcasting, video production and media, most recently working for Sony Pictures. 


Edinburgh Fringe 2017 review on 'Priosn Psychologist' written and published by Kate Suffin

"Тюремный Психолог" - один из главных хэдлайнеров международного фестиваля моноспектаклей SOLO

Итоги VI Всероссийского фестиваля «Старейшие театры России в Калуге»

Театры стареют азартно

На фестивале в Калуге показали классику и экспериментальные моноспектакли

Эта пьеса стала ярким событием прошедшего в Калуге фестиваля моноспектаклей «Актёр & коврик». Написанная драматургом Еленой Исаевой специально для фестиваля, она – предупреждение мужчинам: не играйте с женщиной в любовь, если не хотите погибнуть во цвете лет от брошенной в вас в порыве гнева пепельницы.

В воскресенье, 27 ноября, на сцене Camden People’s Theatre пройдет премьерный показ спектакля «Тюремный психолог» режиссера Константина Каменского, в главной и единственной роли – Алеся Маньковская. Спектакль стал драматическим дебютом Алеси в Лондоне, однако дебютанткой ее назвать сложно...

27 ноября на сцене Camden People Theatre пройдет второй премьерный показ моноспектакля Константина Каменского «Тюремный психолог» с актрисой Алесей Маньковской в главной роли.

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